Rajah & Tann Singapore Contributes to Chambers and Partners Global Practice Guide: Employment 2023 – Singapore Trends and Developments

Rajah & Tann Singapore contributed to the Singapore chapter of the Global Practice Guide: Employment 2023 published by Chambers and Partners. Our top-ranked Employment team comprising Jonathan Yuen , Head of Employment (Disputes), Partners Ang Tze Phern and Doreen Chia, and Senior Associate Jonathan Cham provided a snapshot of the key changes in the employment regulatory framework and legislation in Singapore thus far, and their anticipated impact on employers and employees moving forward. In particular, they examined the following:

  • Enhancements to the Singapore Employment Pass framework;
  • Enhancements to the Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices and the introduction of Workplace Fairness Legislation; and
  • Better protections for platform workers.

The full Singapore Trends and Developments chapter can be read here.

Please contact Rajah Tann’s Employment Team if you have any queries:

Jonathan Yuen
Head, Employment (Disputes)
T +65 6232 0161

Ang Tze Phern
Partner, Employment
T +65 6232 0922

Doreen Chia
Partner, Employment
T +65 6232 0599


Head, Commercial Litigation
Head, Employment
+65 6232 0161
+65 6232 0922
+65 6232 0599




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