CSA Launches Guidelines on Securing Artificial Intelligence Systems

With the growing deployment of Artificial Intelligence (“AI“) systems, the associated cybersecurity risks have become a major concern, highlighting the importance of making AI secure by design and secure by default. To help organisations adopt AI in a secure manner, the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (“CSA“) has launched the Guidelines on Securing AI Systems (“Guidelines“) and the accompanying Companion Guide for Securing AI Systems (“Companion Guide“) on 15 October 2024.

The Guidelines identify potential threats and risks in AI systems, such as supply chain attacks and Adversarial Machine Learning. It includes principles to guide decision-makers and practitioners on implementation of security controls and best practices to protect AI systems. The Guidelines recommend a holistic approach for the identification and mitigation of security risks, covering the five key stages in the AI life cycle:

  1. Planning and Design: Raise awareness of AI security threats and develop risk assessments. 
  2. Development: Supply chain security and protection of AI assets.
  3. Deployment: Secure infrastructure, establish incident management processes and AI benchmarking and red-teaming.
  4. Operations and Maintenance: Monitor for security anomalies and establish vulnerability disclosure processes.
  5. End of Life: Ensure secure and proper disposal of data and model artefacts.

The Companion Guide complements the Guidelines by providing practical measures and controls that system owners can consider to achieve compliance with the Guidelines. The Companion Guide is intended as a community-driven resource, which will continue to be updated to account for technological developments.

Click on the following links for more information (available on the CSA website at www.csa.gov.sg):


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