Court Sets Out Principles for Winding Up by Special Resolution

In Re: Bu Shen Xi (S) Pte Ltd [2024] SGHC 247, the Singapore High Court considered an application for a winding-up order in respect of a company on the basis of sections 125(1)(a) and/or 125(1)(e) of the Insolvency, Restructuring and Dissolution Act 2018 (“IRDA“). In particular, the Court set out the principles and reasoning for the less commonly used section 125(1)(a), which deals with winding up by special resolution.

The Company had resolved by a special resolution that it be wound up by the court. This special resolution was signed by the majority shareholders, and the Company’s position was that the remaining minority shareholder did not have voting rights to prevent the passage of the resolution as she had not paid the full sum payable in respect of her share capital. The Company thus sought a winding-up order pursuant to section 125(1)(a) of the IRDA or, in the alternative, pursuant to section 125(1)(e).

The Court set out the applicable principles in considering a winding-up application under section 125(1)(a):

  1. A court would first determine if the special resolution was validly passed, which is a prerequisite for the court’s discretion to grant or to refuse the winding-up application.
  2. The court would then determine whether to exercise that discretion, for which it would consider: (i) the creditors’ interests; and (ii) the presence of bad faith or other untoward circumstances.

On the facts, the Court was satisfied that a winding-up order should be made pursuant to section 125(1)(a) in the present case.

  1. The Court was satisfied that the special resolution had been validly passed.
  2. The interests of the Company’s creditors would not be compromised by a winding-up order.
  3. There was nothing on the facts which suggested any unconscionable or inequitable circumstances which justified withholding a winding-up order.

In the alternative, the Court would also have been willing to grant the winding up order under section 125(1)(e). Applying the test of cash flow insolvency to the evidence from the Company, the Court found that the Company was unable to pay its debts.



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