Broadcast Remote Identification Requirement to be Imposed for Unmanned Aircraft

The Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (“CAAS“) has announced that, with effect from 1 December 2025, all unmanned aircraft (“UA“) weighing above 250g will need to be equipped with Broadcast Remote Identification (“B-RID“). The new requirement aims to enhance aviation and public safety and security in Singapore in light of the growing use of UA.

The B-RID requirement will not apply in the following circumstances:

  • Where the operator has been granted an Operator Permit and is using the FlyItSafe mobile application during the permitted UA operation; or
  • For UA operated indoors or in an enclosed environment. 

To support adoption, CAAS intends to fully cover the cost of the B-RID module to be attached to an existing UA for individuals who apply to CAAS through the CAAS website between 1 January and 31 March 2025. To qualify:

  • The UA weighing above 250g must not have built-in B-RID capability;
  • The UA must be registered with CAAS by 31 December 2024; and
  • The application for the free B-RID module must be made by the person or organisation who had registered the UA.

CAAS had earlier conducted a public consultation (“Consultation“) on the proposed implementation plan of the B-RID requirement from 2 September 2024 to 1 October 2024, and has since provided its response to feedback received:

  • Eligibility of Free B-RID Module: Affected UA users with existing UA will be eligible for one B-RID module per eligible UA. 
  • Transferability of B-RID Module Across UA: CAAS will allow a B-RID module to be transferred from one registered UA to another.
  • Impact of B-RID Module on UA Airworthiness and Performance: CAAS is adopting EU technical standards and will also be developing a set of recommended pre-flight guidance materials. 
  • Identification of B-RID Products: CAAS is working with manufacturers to publish a list of UA models and B-RID modules that will meet the B-RID requirements. 
  • Exemptions: CAAS will consider waivers for certain circumstances where the standard B-RID requirements cannot be met, or it is difficult to do so. 

Click on the following links for more information:


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