Wilson Zhu is a partner in the firm’s Restructuring & Insolvency Practice Group.
Wilson specialises in complex commercial disputes, with an emphasis on insolvency litigation and shareholders’ disputes. He also regularly acts for debtors, financial institutions and insolvency practitioners on corporate rescues, recoveries and enforcement, and cross-border insolvencies.
- Acting for the judicial managers and liquidators of Swiber Group entities in restructuring US$1.2 billion in debt and offshore engineering businesses.
- Acting for the judicial managers and liquidators of Agritrade International Pte Ltd in one of the largest fraudulent trade financing schemes in Singapore involving claims of over US$1.5 billion.
- Acting for the Receivers of Tuaspring Pte Ltd (part of the Hyflux Group) in the corporate restructuring and S$270 million sale of its integrated power plant.
- Acting for the Trustee-Managers of Religare Health Trust in the first just and equitable winding-up of a business trust structure in Singapore.
- Acting for the liquidators of Strides DST Pte Ltd, a Temasek-linked mobility and transport solutions group in investigations and recovery.
- Acting for various groups in construction, healthcare and feedstock production in solvent and insolvent schemes of arrangement.
- Acting for regional airline and luxury cruise liner groups for recognition and reliefs under the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency.
- Advising a committee of international bondholders against an issuer in a US$400 million bond default, including advising on cross-border restructuring matters.
- Advised and assisted an international bank in acquiring an international wealth management business comprising US$84 billion AUM.
- Successfully resisted Court-ordered pre-action discovery and interrogatories in an international arbitration dispute involving military vessels reported to be valued at US$380 million.
- Obtaining a worldwide Mareva injunction against disposal of assets under the SIAC’s emergency interim framework.
- Acting for an international vehicle manufacturer in successfully staying High Court proceedings on fraud and misrepresentation in favour of SIAC arbitration.
- Advising various Singapore-listed companies on internal corruption and fraud investigations, and disclosures to the SGX.
Notable reported judgments
- SW Trustees Pte Ltd (In Compulsory Liquidation) and others v Teodros Ashenafi Tesemma and others [2024] SGHC 322: transactions at undervalue, valuation principles, conspiracy, breach of directors’ duties
- Re Regalrare Gem Museum Pte Ltd (In Liquidation) [2024] SGHC 275: termination of winding up
- SW Trustees Pte Ltd (In Compulsory Liquidation) and others v Teodros Ashenafi Tesemma and others [2024] 3 SLR 1410: transactions at undervalue, postponement of limitation periods for fraud
- Manoj Dharmadas Kalwani v Bharat Dharmadas Kalwani [2024] SGHC 70: contractual disputes, restitution, limitation periods
- BLL v BLM [2020] 4 SLR 494: Issue estoppel, res judicata and abuse of process
- Re Swiber Holdings Ltd [2018] 5 SLR 1358: structured noteholders, standing as creditors in schemes of arrangement and judicial management
- Re Swiber Holdings Ltd [2018] 5 SLR 1130: credit and security, third party guarantees
- Kao Chai-Chau Linda v Fong Wai Lyn Carolyn and others [2016] 1 SLR 21: principles on remuneration of insolvency practitioners
- Chee Seng Engineering Works Pte Ltd v Pan Master Craft Construction Pte Ltd [2015] SGDC 152: construction disputes
- Re BKR [2015] 4 SLR 81: mental capacity and undue influence
- Re International Formwork & Scaffolding Pte Ltd [2014] 1 SLR 205: equitable liens over property, priorities between liquidators
- Re BKR [2013] 4 SLR 1257: mental capacity and undue influence
- Loh Sioh Hon (administratix of the estate of Chiam Heok Yong, deceased) v Loh Siok Moey [2012] SGCA 14: contractual disputes
- Lim Mey Lee Susan v Singapore Medical Council [2012] 1 SLR 701: administrative law and judicial review
- Fellow, Insolvency Practitioners Association of Singapore
- “Cross-Class Cramdowns in Singapore and Lessons from the UK” (2023) 35 Singapore Academy of Law Journal 530 (SAClJ Special Issue on Insolvency Law)
- Insolvency Year in Review, Singapore Academy of Law Annual Review of Cases (2018 to date)
- Co-author, Singapore chapter of the Insolvency Global Practice Guide, Chambers and Partners (2020)