Kee Lay Lian graduated from the National University of Singapore in 1985 and is called to the bar in 1986.

She is listed as Preeminent family lawyer in Leading Singapore Family for Divorce Lawyers (2015) by Doyles Family Lawyer Guide and Leading Lawyer in Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific 2019 and 2020 editions for being a Dispute Resolution Star for Family and Matrimonial Practice and Private Clients.

She has been at the firm since 1986 and she has dealt with a diversity of cases ranging from banking, insurance, trademarks, land law, employment disputes to commercial and family law. With three decades of experience in a range of cases, Lay Lian currently specialises in family law, adoption, commercial litigation and trust.

She has successfully dealt with complex family cases involving cross-jurisdiction issues over assets, maintenance and children.

She also acts in contentious probate, trusts and succession disputes.


  • Acted for Chinese claimants to establish their claims in a trust case where the estate of a tycoon was held in trust for 48 years before distribution. This involves the Chinese law on marriage and adoption.
  • Acted for a listed hotel in employment issues and on various tenancy matters.
  • Acted for insurance companies in third parties’ claims and performance bonds.
  • Probate, trust, adoption and matrimonial disputes.
  • Acted for claimants against a hospital for medical negligence suit.
  • Acted for brain injury victim in a road accident.
  • Rendered expert opinion on Singapore family law for foreign litigation.
  • Litigation and advisory work including separation, prenuptial and postnuptial agreements, divorce, children and financial disputes often involving cross jurisdictions, substantial assets and urgent applications to prevent disposal of assets etc.
  • Wills and wealth planning involving testamentary trust and substantial assets worldwide.

Court Cases

  • Seah Yit Chen v SBS (1978) Ltd [1990] 3 MLJ 144
  • Noor Mohamed bin Mumtaz Shah v Apollo Enterprises Ltd (trading as Apollo Hotel Singapore)  [2000] 1 SLR(R) 670
  • Wong Kai Woon & Anor v Wong Kong Hom & Ors [2000] SGHC 176
  • Leong Yiu Khao v Ng Geok Choo [2004] SGDC 299
  • Shih Shin Wang-Liu v Tsai Pei Lun Betty [2006] SGHC 196
  • IW v IX [2006] 1 SLR 135 (succeeded on appeal)
  • Re: Estate of Lim Yew Teok [2008] SGHC 128
  • VT v VU [2008] SGDC 1
  • British & Malayan Trustees Ltd & Anor v Chng Heng Tee & Anor [2008] SGHC 2
  • Ng Kwok Weng and Another v Ng Meiling  [2009] SGHC 222
  • Marcy Susan Kleinman v Raymond Mark Adelman [2009] SGDC 223
  • Chng Heng Tee (alias Cheng Kim Tee) and another v Estate & Trust Agencies (1927) Ltd (Ho Hong Bee Christina (executrix of the estate of Koh Tek Heng, deceased), intervener) and another matter [2010] 1 SLR 681
  • Lim Lina v Estate of Quick Cheng Gee, deceased [2012] 1 SLR 905
  • AZG v AZH [2012] SGDC 123
  • AYM v AYL [2013] 1 SLR 924
  • BJM v BJN [2013] SGDC 103
  • Goh Cheok Yean v Lum Sai Gek [2014] SGHC 91
  • TES v TET [2014] SGDC 257
  • JBE v JBF and others [2015] 3 SLR 1271
  • TDA v TDB [2015] SGFC 8
  • HSBC Trustee (Singapore) Limited v Carolyn Fong Wai Lyn & 4 Ors [2016] SGHC 31
  • Fong Wai Lyn Carolyn v Kao Chai-Chau Linda and others [2017] 4 SLR 1018
  • TWK v TWL [2017] SGFC 3
  • TZA v TZB [2017] SGFC 31
  • UEV v UEW and UEX [2017] SGFC 101
  • TXO v TXP [2017] SGFC 117
  • UHY v UHZ [2017] SGFC 145
  • UTJ v UTK [2019] SGHCF 6
  • UUI v UUJ [2019] SGFC 59


  • Member, Singapore Academy of Law
  • Committee member, SAFRA Legal Information Service since 2009
  • Deputy Coordinator, Singapore Institute of Legal Education (“SILE”) course for Wills, Probate Administration (2013 – 2017)
  • Facilitator for Wills, Probate, Administration module, SILE
  • Facilitator for Family Law, SILE
  • Associate Mediator, Singapore Mediation Centre
  • Fellow, International Academy of Family Lawyers
  • Collaborative Family Practitioner
  • Parenting Coordinator
  • Member, Law Society of Singapore Family Law Practice Committee
  • Member, Law Society of Singapore Probate, Wills & Succession Practice Committee
  • Committee member, Family Justice Rules Working Party
  • Committee member, Working Group to simplify Judicial Process under the Mental Capacity Act
  • Member of STEP (Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners)


Practice Area(s)


  • LLB (Hons) from National University of Singapore
  • Advocate & Solicitor, Singapore
  • Commissioner for Oaths, Singapore
  • Notary Public

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